

Who we are .

Druk Learning is a learning platform that provides evidence-informed and outcome-driven learning and development solutions. We provide career accelerator programs will help 

Next Generation of Learning

Our Story .

  • At Druk Learning, our vision is to provide industry-aligned, career-focused, and future-ready learning programs.
  • We specialize in delivering blended learning solutions tailored for government, non-profit, and for-profit organizations. Our courses are practical, adopting international best practices and benchmarked against the best.
  • Our courses are designed to influence organisational and personal development outcomes. 
  • Our innovative learning and development solutions will address the training quality concerns.
  • Druk Learning recognises that investment in learning programs comes at significant costs. All the courses are designed after examining what works and what doesn’t. Absolute NO to wasted and redundant learning programs. 
  • Druk Learning uses learning analytics to gather, analyse and report information to help provide insights into the value created by the training program. As our client, you will understand the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of our learning program. We endeavour to maximise the impact of your learning investment
  • We are here to become your leading partner in shaping a robust and future-ready learning ecosystem.

Our Mission .

             Providing impactful learning and development solution

Innovative Learning Solutions

Druk Learning courses are designed to address the skill gap. We offer innovative training courses across different disciplines. We want you to stay on top of your skill sets.

Experienced and Qualified team

DrukLearning courses are developed by experienced and qualified teams to meet your training needs.

Get Customized Training Courses

Based on the competencies required, we provide customized, bespoke courses to fit your organization-specific training needs. Such courses will reflect the ever changing needs of individual organizations, departments and public sector as a whole.

Our values .

Designing learning and development to create VALUE

Create Value
Strive for Excellence
Be Innovative
Drive Productivity
Be Impactful
Create Possibilities
Have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions .

DrukLearning is a platform which provides blended learning to organizations: government, non-profit and for-profit.

We offer courses across different subjects ranging from public policy, data analytics, public administration, development economics, governance and project management. 

Learners will have access to learning management system during and after completion of the course.

Druk Learning offers consulting services in the areas such as evaluation of public policies, development economics, HR analytics, etc. 

Druk Learning will be partnering with subject matter experts to provide training in relevant fields. If you interested to offer a training, get in touch with us.

Druk Learning in partnership with the client organizations will provide certificates to those who successfully completes the course. 

Please get in touch with the admin team at [email protected] to get information related to fees and payment. 

While Druk Learning courses are not accredited to any specific institutions at the moment, the courses offered are comparable to the leading higher education provider. However, DL will explore partnership with established higher education provider in the future.  


Data Science - Text Analysis


August 1 - August 10


5-10 Days



This course provides a practical and applied approach to quantitative text analysis using R. The course focuses on converting texts into quantitative features and analysing it using statistical methods.  The learners will be have hands on analysis of real text and analysing it using programming language R.  

Learning outcomes: After successful completion of the program, the learners will be able:

  • To conduct text analysis from start to finish. 
  • Use the latest statistical tool and approach to text analysis. 

The program is ideal for those who want to generate insights  text analysis technique. The course will be relevant to:

  1. mid-level to senior professionals who are involved in making/influencing decisions.
  2. Research Professionals 

Thinley Choedhen, Founder of Druk Learning