
Boot Camps

Why Boot Camps?

DrukLearning Boot Camps are more than a course: they are an intensive, fast-paced,  industry-oriented and career-focused programmes that will provide highly sought-after skills.

You will gain hands-on learning which have real-world application.  Portfolio that you build by the end of the Boot Camp will show employers that you have the skills that they need. 

Analyzing and interpreting data forms the foundation for decision making. Data analysis, interpretation, and using empirical methods are core to approaching most policy challenges. The following programmes are designed to help transform your organizations into one that is driven by data. The programme will include hands-on approach of data analytics tool to turn data into a valuable insights. 

Explore courses in Data analytics

DrukLearning Boot Camps are more than a course: they are an intensive, fast-paced,  industry-oriented and career-focused programmes that will provide highly sought-after skills.

You will gain hands-on learning which have real-world application.  Portfolio that you build by the end of the Boot Camp will show employers that you have the skills that they need. 


Data Science - Text Analysis


August 1 - August 10


5-10 Days



This course provides a practical and applied approach to quantitative text analysis using R. The course focuses on converting texts into quantitative features and analysing it using statistical methods.  The learners will be have hands on analysis of real text and analysing it using programming language R.  

Learning outcomes: After successful completion of the program, the learners will be able:

  • To conduct text analysis from start to finish. 
  • Use the latest statistical tool and approach to text analysis. 

The program is ideal for those who want to generate insights  text analysis technique. The course will be relevant to:

  1. mid-level to senior professionals who are involved in making/influencing decisions.
  2. Research Professionals 

Thinley Choedhen, Founder of Druk Learning