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Policy professionals engaging in policy making environment requires core skills of policy practice, domain knowledge and specialist skills to address public policy challenges. The following programmes are designed to build key skills in the area of using evidence and analysis, informing decisions, and designing policy implementation. 
Economics stand right at the heart of the policy-making affecting every policy matters. The following programmes are designed to provide rigorous introduction to economics and its application to policy making.   

  • Economics for Public Policy
  • Economic Development Policy
  • Local Economic Development
  • Economics of Local and Regional Development 

Analyzing and interpreting data forms the foundation for decision making. Data analysis, interpretation, and using empirical methods are core to approaching most policy challenges. The following programmes are designed to help transform your organizations into one that is driven by data. The programme will include hands-on approach of data analytics tool to turn data into a valuable insights. 

  • Programming for Data Analysis (R)
  • People Analytics

To implement government policies, hundreds of projects are carried out each year across different government agencies. Such projects and programmes are implemented either to improve infrastructures or to improve public service delivery. DrukLearning through the following programmes offers the opportunity to hone project management and leadership skills to deliver programmes and projects in an efficient and effective manner:    

  • Project Management
  • Project Leadership

Programmes under this domain are designed to examine issues on improving organizational performance, performance measurement, and designing and managing change in public service.

  1. Performance Measurement for Decision Making
  2. People Analytics: Using Data and Analytics in HR Strategy



Why Druk Learning?

Meeting Your Skill Agenda

The learning solutions provided by Druk Learning are explicitly designed to meet your organisational needs and personnel development. All courses are developed considering the training needs, its relevance and alignment to the goal of the organisation.

Embracing Innovation

Our innovative programmes will take the training to the next level. Learners will have seamless access to learning content in a dedicated online management system during and after completion of the course.

Creating Value

We are on a mission to retain skills, re-skilling and up-skilling. The content of the courses are benchmarked to leading higher education providers.


Data Science - Text Analysis


August 1 - August 10


5-10 Days



This course provides a practical and applied approach to quantitative text analysis using R. The course focuses on converting texts into quantitative features and analysing it using statistical methods.  The learners will be have hands on analysis of real text and analysing it using programming language R.  

Learning outcomes: After successful completion of the program, the learners will be able:

  • To conduct text analysis from start to finish. 
  • Use the latest statistical tool and approach to text analysis. 

The program is ideal for those who want to generate insights  text analysis technique. The course will be relevant to:

  1. mid-level to senior professionals who are involved in making/influencing decisions.
  2. Research Professionals 

Thinley Choedhen, Founder of Druk Learning