

The Future of Learning in the Workplace is evolving .

There is a need for change in how we design and deliver learning and development in the workplace. We can help you navigate the transition

Our Services .

Learning and Development

We design learning and development courses that is relevant, engaging and learner/organization centred

Learning and Management Tools

We develop dynamic and functional learning management system with bite-size courses in-built in the system

Learning Analytics

We can help you align you L&D plan to your organization's mission statement, establish sound measurement practices and reporting strategy for your L&D investment. With the help of a scalable system, we evaluate training data to determine the driver of training effectiveness. We will handle the distribution of surveys, data collection, analysis and produce out-of-the-box reporting capabilities of the meet the standard.

Evidence for Public Policy

DrukLearning strongly advocates embedding a culture of evidence-based policymaking. We provide consulting engagement, conduct policy analysis and impact evaluation using empirical methods, and deliver evidence-based solutions across a range of fields.

Perfomance Management System

Want to establish a functional and dynamic performance management system in your organisation?

Monitoring and Evaluation System

Does your organization lack a proper monitoring system? Tired of seeing no value when your colleagues submit a few pages of so-called tour reports and some pictures every time. We got your back. We can help you develop a tailored M&E system that is aligned with the goal of the organization

Innovate. Inspire. and Provide Value.

Learning and Development
Courses and Training
Learning Management and Tools
Learning Management System
Learning Analytics
Sound Measurement Practices
Evidence for Public Policy
Policy Analysis and Impact Evaluation
Performance Management System
Building a Dynamic and Functional Performance Management System
Monitoring and Evaluation System
End to End M&E System


Data Science - Text Analysis


August 1 - August 10


5-10 Days



This course provides a practical and applied approach to quantitative text analysis using R. The course focuses on converting texts into quantitative features and analysing it using statistical methods.  The learners will be have hands on analysis of real text and analysing it using programming language R.  

Learning outcomes: After successful completion of the program, the learners will be able:

  • To conduct text analysis from start to finish. 
  • Use the latest statistical tool and approach to text analysis. 

The program is ideal for those who want to generate insights  text analysis technique. The course will be relevant to:

  1. mid-level to senior professionals who are involved in making/influencing decisions.
  2. Research Professionals 

Thinley Choedhen, Founder of Druk Learning